About Outram Research Ltd. (ORL)
Outram Research Ltd is an electronic design house and manufacturer of state of the art Power Quality Analysers and Fault Level Monitors.
Established in 1985, Outram Research Ltd is an electronic design house and manufacturer of state of the art Power Quality Analysers and Fault Level Monitors. It’s focus is on combining highly accurate, detailed and unique recording regimes with an easy to use customer interface designed predominantly for use by those in the Electrical Utility Industry, Power Quality Consultants and industrial electrical engineers.
Outram Research is a family business based on the South Coast of England, UK. While their business emphasis is on the manufacture of Power Quality Monitors, Harmonics Analysers, Troubleshooting Energy and Fault Level Monitors they pride themselves in offering free, responsive and quality support to all of their customers in the UK and abroad, including help with analysis using our bespoke Power Quality Software, Pronto.
Originally a design house, Outram Research licensed its products to a major US company who sold the first monitors (process loggers) into the US. After successfully manufacturing the Phalcon radar beacon processor board for a UK company it decided in 2003 to bring the manufacture of its analysers under its own control and home to the UK. By now the process monitors had evolved into electrical power monitors/recorders. The first step required Outram Research to negotiate back the sole rights to the Intellectual Property for the (Rustrak) Ranger brand from the US licensee. This brave move and subsequent success with the growing family of Power Quality Monitors combined with further innovation won the company the title of Small Business of the Year at the British Engineering Excellence Awards 2012.
Since then the Outram Engineers have been stretching the boundaries of Power Monitoring and signal processing and the team has produced the first ever commercially available product able to predict the worst case Fault Level on a network, the PM7000 Fault Level Monitor. Fault Level prediction, whether through measuring natural disturbances or using an active system is still unavailable anywhere else in the world.
Outram Research has been heavily involved in the UK Low Carbon Network and Innovation initiative which is driving future network evolution in the UK Electrical Utility Market. The development of the Fault Level Monitor was requested by the Electrical Utility sector and made easier as a result of this push for innovation. It was possible at all because of Outram expertise: the culmination of 30 years’ experience specialising in data acquisition and signal processing systems. This Fault Level technology, predicting the worst case fault current, will help the utility companies better utilise the capacity of the Electricity Network, reducing the need for expensive re-enforcement.
Worldwide Sales
Worldwide sales have flourished through a dedicated group of distributers, of note Synergy Systems in the USA and Redskye Technologies in the UK. They are counted as part of the Outram family. In fact, that family ethos has continued in all three companies as in each case the next generation has come on board to help continue the evolution of their parent’s businesses into the future.
Manufacture & Specialist Engineering
Manufacture of all the products is done locally or in house. Most assembly and testing is done in house including final system testing which enables the Outram team to be sure of the quality of the products they send out.
In addition we have successfully completed numerous customisation projects, both large and small, based on these versatile devices.
Customers for our specialist engineering include:- in the UK, Western Power Distribution, Scottish Power Energy Networks, Scottish and Southern Electricity, British Nuclear Fuels, Civil Aviation Authority. Also European Atomic Safeguards Directorate, Railtrack, Rolls Royce and Southern Company in the US.