Outram’s Fast Frequency Analysers Meet Dynamic Containment Frequency Measurement Requirements

The Challenge: Stabilising the Low-Inertia Electricity Network As the UK continues its transition towards net zero emissions, the increased adoption of decarbonisation and low-carbon technologies has led to a marked reduction in the stability of the electricity system. Transmission and Distribution Network Operators are grappling with lower inertia and larger losses. To stabilise the system […]

Understanding the New ENA EREC G5/5 Harmonics Standard

Changes to Power Quality Requirements The Energy Networks Association (ENA) has recently released an updated version of its EREC G5 harmonics standard, moving from G5/4 to the new G5/5 specification.  As an electronic design house and manufacturer of state-of-the-art Power Quality Analysers and Fault Level Monitors, Outram Research has closely examined the changes between the […]

Measurement to ENA Engineering Recommendation G5/5: What does it mean?

Outram’s PM7000 can now measure requirements for ENA Engineering Recommendation G5/5. The latest Enhanced Harmonics upgrade available for the Outram PM7000 Power Quality Analyser enables companies wishing to agree new connection arrangements with their Distribution or Transmission Network Operator in the UK can now measure to ENA Engineering Recommendation G5/5 with a single measurement unit. […]